Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hey guys this is a photo montage that I have created and I want to know what you guys think of it so send me some comments.
Hey guys i wanted to share a cool stop animation film that's about 2 minutes long so click on this link to view the video ---->  

So what I think about this stop motion animation video is that it's definetly cool but that's not all I have to say about it, I think that this video was very unrealistic which I think is a good thing because it can inspire others to do so. I'm sure that this person has spent a lot of time making this video and I respect that because if this person did not take as much time to work on this as he did it wouldn't be as entertaining as it was and it wouldn't have as much hits as it got. This person obviously put a lot of work in this video and I know that because of the recognition he got out of it.